Title Goes Here

Caption goes here
Keep sentences short if using
centered alignment for text

Caption goes here
Keep sentences short if using
centered alignment for text

If you need to use longer paragraphs of text, then I suggest using the ''Width'' feature in Text Input Areas.  That will produce a block of text that is centered on the screen in a width that helps keep it readable.  I set the width of this one to 560 pixels.

Payment and Shipping

Type in your payment and shipping information here.

Then below insert an Email Link Input Area and Auctions Link Input Area if you desire to include those in your presentation.

The above template is such as you would find at sites that offer templates to help create attractive presentations.  The difference with FreeForm is that this template is only the beginning of what you can accomplish.  Text colors, backgrounds, layered frames, borders, images, are all under your control to switch around and substitute as desired.  Insert more or less pictures and text, adjust text sizes, adjust fonts, adjust picture sizes, whatever you want.

If this template hurts your eye's, I apologize.  As an artist I make a good programmer!  Over the years I've seen designs created using FreeForm that far exceed what I am capable of producing.  But, based on the frequent requests for templates I'm giving it my best shot.  Please forgive me!  :)

If this template happens to be close to what you envision for your item presentations, eBay About Me page, eBay Store Custom Pages, or even for designing your own web site pages you are welcome to use it as your starting point.  Be sure to use the Advanced Builder.  In the Builder Page you will find this template via ''The Library'' link immediately to the right of where you see ''Load Up the Builder With:'', in the Templates folder, in the container named ''Template 3''.

Created using the FreeForm Builder at robshelp.com with EAPH.com Help and Hosting