Title For Item Goes Here
May Span Several Lines

This sample template was created to demonstrate use of the Template Helper available with EAPH.com hosting membership.

I have very little artistic talent but was able to use images built into Paint Shop Pro to help create the graphics.  In other words, I didn't draw or paint the sports balls.  I just combined them with text to create the logo, link, and section heading graphics.

For convenience I used FreeForm at RobsHelp.com to assemble the ingredients.  The Template Helper, however, is designed to work with virtually any HTML template such as would be acquired on the web or from template sellers on eBay.

EAPH.com hosting isn't just another place to store your pictures.  Included with membership is iDrive2, a suite of helpful on-line tools (nothing to download or install), designed with eBay sellers in mind.  The Template Helper is just one of those tools.
Please also be sure to visit our other listings!

Created using the FreeForm Builder at robshelp.com

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